This simple pictorial representation of Courageous Conversations reminds us that it not necessarily the minimisation of fear that stops us from avoiding the difficult conversations, but ensuring we have a little more corresponding courage. By all means work on reducing discomfort, nervousness, anxiety (any of the manifestations of fear), but don’t underestimate the power of simply increasing courage and bravery. Three simple ways to do this are:

  1. Having someone offer an objective perspective on the situation (someone whose opinion you trust and respect, like a mentor)
  1. Plan for the conversation so you have an idea of how you’ll handle any number of responses (often it’s the fear of the unknown that hamstrings us)
  1. Remind yourself of all the reasons why it’s important to have this conversation (even despite the risks)

When fear exceeds courage, we avoid having the difficult conversations that we should.

When courage exceeds fear, we step up to the plate and have them.

Courageous Conversations